Ken Garver Memorial Scholarship

More importantly, Ken was funny and kind. He was a student of the game as much as he was the coach or teacher, be it basketball, football, chess, biology, or guitar. A coach to many and a teacher to all, he will forever be our absent-minded professor. He was an amazing dad – who passed down his humor, his laid-back manner, and taught his children and countless others how to be athletes. He was passionate about everything he did. He spent years developing lectures and tests to ensure his students received the best education. After all, he was preparing future doctors, nurses and teachers. He had a passion coach and did it at every level; Junior All-American Football, St. Mary’s boys’ and girls’ basketball teams, high school, and college. He studied everything – camping, hiking, sailing, chess, guitar, football, basketball, canoeing, gardening, biology, anatomy, computers, you name it, he was going to read up on it and be the best he could be at it. There was no Google or You Tube – he bought books and studied them. He was Kenny G, Mr. Garver, Prof. Garver, Kenneth T (when mom needed to get his attention), Coach and best of all, he was our DAD, husband, and grandfather. Rest in Peace dad – even in the end, you gave it your all. Thank you for all you did for us. We love you and miss you!!