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Three times a year, the Victor Valley College Foundation grants thousands of dollars to VVC employees to implement innovative ideas that promote student success at Victor Valley College. These awards can provide up to $2,500 to enhance a program, purchase equipment, or fund a life-changing student experience. It is the Foundation’s goal to support worthy projects benefitting students and supporting the College mission. The Campus Grant program is open to any VVC employee who can demonstrate in the application that they have a good idea for solving a problem or enhancing a program that affects students.
Applications are evaluated by a committee that consists of constituency representatives from the College and donors and members of the Foundation board. Even if not funded by the Foundation, campus grant applications provide valuable insight into your innovative ideas and solutions. Donors involved in the process have been inspired to make direct contributions to programs and the Foundation Board has been better informed about how to support the College because of applications in the past.
Campus Grant awarding periods:
Term | Application Open | Deadline | Award Announcement |
Summer | June 15 | July 15 | August 15 |
Fall | October 1 | November 1 | December 1 |
Spring | February 15 | March 15 | April 15 |
For additional information please contact Glennis Duncan at 760-245-4271 EXT. 2251 or Glennis.Duncan@vvc.edu
Victor Valley College and the Foundation are proud recipients of a number of grants: federal, state, local, corporate and private. We take great care to manage grant funds responsibly, ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget. Foundation staff are here to write, edit, or assist in the grant process for all campus employees: faculty, foundation, administration, and classified.
Once a need or project has been identified the best approach is to search out a matching funding source, a grant-maker whose mission is to support that specific goal. Occasionally the college or foundation may also reply to a request for proposal (RFP) from a grant-making organization, and approach various staff to see if we have a potential project within that scope. Whatever your dreams are, let us help you achieve them.
If you have a project in mind, contact Kirsten Acosta, Executive Director, at (760) 245-4271 x. 2523 or by email.
Grant Opportunities:
ING: Unsung Heroes
NEA Foundation: Student Achievement Grants
Data & Research Resources:
VVC Office of Institutional Research
US Census Bureau
US Census: American FactFinder
US Bureau of Labor Statistics
California Community College Chancellor’s Office Datamart
California Employment Development Department: Labor Market Information
California Department of Education: DataQuest
California Department of Finance: Demographic, Economic, & Financial Research
California Post-Secondary Education Commission
California State Association of Counties
An online database of information on the activities and finances of more than 850,000 nonprofit organizations, run by Philanthropic Research, Inc., makes nonprofit returns, including foundation Forms 990-PF, accessible via the internet. Free registration is required in order to view Forms 990-PF.
Foundation Center
The Center collects, organizes, and communicates information on U.S. philanthropy, conducts and facilitates research, provides education and training on the grant-seeking process, and ensures public access to information and services through the web site.